
I read the magazine and then as the Lord leads I use the entire booklet as a tract, leaving them in strategic places and giving them to people. I get as much use of them as possible. – USA

I wish to state that I really derived a lot of spiritual blessings from the publications, especially this year. My prayer is that the whole world shall be for Christ. I thank you for your consistency and commitment. May God bless you. – Nigeria

Thank you for our magazine subscription. The Series on “Dispensations” (Oct. ’17 – Jan. ’18) was especially appreciated. Please renew our subscription. – Kenya

I received the November 2017 edition today. Its topic of “Prayer” is one emphasized frequently during preaching in our church. God bless you all for preparing us for heaven. –Nigeria

We appreciate your support to the men in this prison. Those who read the magazine express their gratitude for your unconditional love. Thanks. – USA


I just finished reading the magazine and was blessed by every article. Be assured, I am praying for everyone of you and this literature ministry always. – Nigeria

I am very glad for the July / August 2017 magazine, and want to thank God for using you and your ministry as a blessing to me. – South Africa

Just last week my nephew told me that he is encouraged by your magazine. He wants to let you know. I want you to know that many people have been blessed by it. “Be steadfast … your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58 NKJV) – Myanmar


I enjoyed the relevance of the topics in the September 2017 Grace & Truth Magazine [“Dangers Of The Electronic Age”]. I cut out the verses on “Integrity” and pasted them in my journal. – USA

I write to sincerely appreciate your gift of love: the Grace & Truth Magazine. Your articles are written in plain and simple language; always precise, informative and spiritually edifying. – Nigeria

I am personally edified by the wonderful topics you are presenting. The June and July/August 2017 issues need to get in the hands of every child of God. The probing question “Are You An Idol Worshiper?” is really an eye-opener. – Nigeria

Thank you for sending me your magazines regularly. They have been a blessing to my life and ministry. – Uganda

I was truly blessed by the articles of the July/August 2017 magazine. Be assured, I am praying for every one of you and this literature ministry. – Nigeria


I am so grateful to you folks for your writing and organizational talents. I receive so much from your themes and supporting writings. They provide affirmations beyond mention, such that it can only be God blessing me and others through you. Keep up the good work, and may your efforts be well rewarded by God our Father through our Savior Jesus Christ. – USA

Your May 2017 issue was very good. I really liked the “Growth and Change” article as well the article on “Resolving Family Conflicts.” All articles were good, but these two were exceptional. The opening, “At What Age,” was very insightful. – USA

I want you to know how much I value Grace & Truth Magazine. I am a lay preacher with our local church and frequently source extra inspiration from your magazine’s excellent articles. – New Zealand

I have been receiving your very important and life changing magazine for three years. The articles have been of great help not only to myself as a pastor but to the whole congregation with whom I have been sharing them. – Uganda

I am sending my address label to continue my subscription. I love to read every issue of your magazine. – Phillipines

Thank you so much for all the magazines I’ve received. I greatly loved your exposition of the book of Zechariah in the April 2016 edition. Keep it up! – Nigeria


Thanks for sending bulk copies of the magazine to our book room in Tenali. We are personally blessed through the magazine while we pass copies out to other believers in Bombay. – India

Thank you so much for all the good work you have been doing in the vineyard of our Lord. Thank you for all the precious articles you have been writing to win souls for Him and strengthen those who are already in His hands. – Germany

I just want to testify that your magazines are like spiritual medication to my Christian life. Whenever I read your articles I feel like a dose of medication has been administered on me. As a result, I gain new insight into the major topic discussed, which prompts me to share the new lessons with the students in my class. I always look forward to receiving the next edition. – Nigeria

You continue to produce an excellent magazine. It is not only God centered, it is easy to understand – yet with deep, rich truths. – USA

I am so glad and blessed to receive your magazine. I translate some topics and make summaries to share with my brothers and sisters. You are a torch of the Truth in a world so filled with lies. I pray that you might be blessed and provided for in every aspect, spiritually and materially. – Cuba


• I enjoyed the November 2016 magazine, but I noticed a mistake. One article says gold threads were in the gate to the courtyard of the tabernacle. However, there was no gold visible outside of the tabernacle. Specifically regarding the gate, a good reference is Exodus 38:18. – USA

• Thanks for sending the Grace & Truth regularly. The articles on the “Man of God” in the June 2016 issue were challenging and edifying to me. – India

• I had issues with my wife of four years, family not working, business doing zero, bored with same life, so I called it quits with everything. I wrote to my pastor that sometimes I feel God does not remember me. Two days later, God began addressing me through your magazine. He used your articles “Yet I Will Not Forget You” (Mar. ’16), “Twelve Steps To Better Family Communication” (May ’13) and “What Is A Shepherd” (Dec. ’13 – Apr. ‘14) to save my ugly situation. May God reward those who make the magazine available to me without cost. – Nigeria

• We appreciate your monthly magazine, Grace & Truth, and get much spiritual edification by it. The article “Christianity And Culture” (Feb. ‘16) seems suited for our German magazine “Folge mir nach” for young believers. We ask kindly for your permission to publish it. – Germany

We translate some of your articles

The Grace & Truth Magazine has been a great blessing for us. I’m also delighted to say that we translate some of your articles into our mother tongue, Telugu, for our magazine. – India

I want to take a chance to tell you how much I appreciate the free/donated subscription you have given me. Our ladies devotional club has truly enjoyed it. Our most favorite article recently was on “prayer,” as we learned how much we have held onto from our past – even back to childhood. We thank you for your time, consideration, generosity and most of all – service to the Lord. – USA

Thank you so much for your magazine. The article, “Get My Mother In” (May ’16) is most challenging, preaching straightforward to bring unsaved souls to the feet of our Lord. May God bless you for your untiring work for the glory of His kingdom. – India

I thank the Lord for your excellent articles in the Grace & Truth Magazine. Every lesson has touched my heart. They give us power to proceed in Jesus by working and in practice – Myanmar


Your magazine and teachings are so very important to me and several other prisoners with whom I share it. The article “Misplaced Priorities” (June ’16) is fantastic and should be used as a rallying cry for our nation. – USA

I love your thought provoking, spiritually edifying articles. – Taiwan

I so look forward to receiving the Grace & Truth Magazine. I particularly like the sound and easy to read Bible based articles and often find inspiration for my local preaching. – New Zealand

We have been following your Series on “Some Practical Instruction On …”, particularly the articles on anger and envy in the March and April 2016 editions respectively. They gave a good time of retrospection in our walk with God in our Christian life. – Nigeria

While reading an old magazine, the article “Are You A Letter From Christ” (Sep. ‘11) brought my senses back again that the life He has given me is for the world to see Him through me. Thank you for reminding me that I am supposed to be a letter from Jesus Christ. – Nigeria


I hereby express my deep appreciation for the free subscription to Grace & Truth Magazine that I have enjoyed for many years. The articles “Faith in God” (Sep. ’14) and “The Lord Is My Helper” (Oct. ’14) were God-sent. – Nigeria

Please let the staff know that not only have I been blessed by the magazine but that I have used portions of it in a ministry the Lord has given me at a local nursing home. Since I have ministered there, approximately 25% of the residents have received the Lord as their Savior. Your organization through the magazine has definitely played a part in that. – USA

I truly enjoy your magazine as it is very helpful to me. The articles help me with my study of the Word of God and then I am able to teach and deliver a message to my fellow brothers. – USA

Thanks for sending me the magazine as it has been spiritually enriching my life. The articles in the December 2014 edition are very good, especially the article “Lord, What It Means For The Believers.” It has given me new insights in the subject. – India

I am blessed through your magazine, using the articles to study my Bible. I also share some on Facebook and with my friends. – Pakistan

Please continue my subscription because I’m using your materials in our Bible study and discipleship for the young people in our local church. – Philippines

I use your magazine regularly for teaching material as part of the Sunday School curriculum in our church. Your publication continues to be a good form of spiritual education to my soul and that of many others. – Trinidad & Tobago

During the years your wonderful magazine has been helping my spiritual life. It is the only mail I hope to collect when I check my box. All the articles bless my soul, but “What Is A Christian?” (J/A ’14) made me know that I am a slave of Christ and as a slave I must obey Him at all times and in every circumstance. – Nigeria