We wonder at the marvel of the goodness of the Lord,
His great, amazing patience with the madness of the world;
For well He knows the evil that impels the hearts of men,
He knows their thoughts and words and deeds, yet waits to come again.
Why should He bear with evil haughtily raising its head?Why not rise in righteous wrath to strike His enemies dead?Because He has no pleasure in punishment so severe,Though judge He must, He knows it, and that time is very near.
In love He waits, desiring souls to repent and be saved.
If so, how great their blessing, beyond all they might have craved!
Then they may look for Jesus with joyful expectancy,
Not with the dread of judgment, but the faith of hearts set free.
For before He comes in judgment, He will come in tender love,To take His blood-bought people to His home in heaven above.Then awesome, dreadful trouble will engulf a world gone mad.Be wise then, trust this Savior, and be forevermore glad.
By Leslie M. Grant (1917-2011)