When Confronted By CULTURE

By Paul Alberts

It is easy to get caught up in the many issues of our world. Sometimes we may feel forced into tolerating views or practices contrary to God’s Word, particularly when a group with whom we are linked takes such a position.

One of our writers this month reminds us that “being a Christian often involves rejecting the influence of the crowd and other sources to stand alone and think for oneself, according to His Word and like many prophets of old.”

You may remember that the December 2015 Grace & Truth Magazine focused on the prophet Jeremiah. We saw in him the struggle of a faithful individual in a culture that practiced what was in opposition to God’s desires. Jeremiah could not simply leave the people, and he was burdened, experiencing physical hardship in his stand for the LORD.

How should a Christian respond to different social issues? What about the local gathering of believers, the church? With some issues the answer is simply to separate. But in other situations separation is not possible. Looking back, we find that believers have already faced many dreadful issues, giving us practical lessons for today. In these examples we can also see characteristics of the day of apostasy which is yet to come, after believers meet the Lord in the air.

Maybe like me, as you read this month’s articles, you will be encouraged. The Lord, even now, is calling sinners to repent and follow Him. Day and night His glory is seen in what He created. He is still using His own to give a testimony for Himself. The Lord Jesus desires that we would faithfully serve Him, taking that humble, servant’s place to fulfill His purposes among those who have no hope. We see Him, having already done the same, “crowned with glory and honor” (Heb. 2:9 NASB). “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; bring an offering, and come before Him; worship the LORD in holy array” (1 Chr. 16:29).