His Own Servants

“If any one serve Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there also shall be My servant.” — John 12:26 JND

By Robert J. Costen

Everyone who has experienced a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ is His servant, and if we desire to serve Him, we must follow Him! He was God’s perfect Servant, and if we wish to serve acceptably then let us trace His service in the Gospels as He went about doing good. Consider some of His traits:

  1. He waited on God’s time (Mk. 1:14-15).
  2. He started serving where He had been brought up (Lk. 4:16).
  3. He identified Himself with others (Mk. 1:16-20).
  4. He taught with authority (vv.21-27).
  5. He spoke gracious words, yet with power (Lk. 4:22,32).
  6. He made Himself accessible to all people (Mk. 1:32-34).
  7. He moved in the circle of those who loved Him (vv.29-31).
  8. He was dependent upon God in prayer (v.35).
  9. He refused popularity and did not seek His own glory (vv.37-38).
  10. He had compassion and personal contact with those who were in need (vv.40-42).

How good that Christ has left us an example; we should follow in His steps (1 Pet. 2:21). Once we were servants of sin, but now, being His own, we are His servants and servants of God, devoted to do His will. The Lord is coming soon. Let us be good and faithful servants!

Be Thou the object bright and fair to fill and satisfy the heart;
My hope to meet Thee in the air, and nevermore from Thee to part;
That I may undistracted be to follow, serve, and wait for Thee.

—George W. Frazer (1830-1896)