By Eugene P. Vedder, Jr.
The Grace & Truth Magazine has been a great blessing for us. I’m also delighted to say that we translate some of your articles into our mother tongue, Telugu, for our magazine. – India
I want to take a chance to tell you how much I appreciate the free/donated subscription you have given me. Our ladies devotional club has truly enjoyed it. Our most favorite article recently was on “prayer,” as we learned how much we have held onto from our past – even back to childhood. We thank you for your time, consideration, generosity and most of all – service to the Lord. – USA
Thank you so much for your magazine. The article, “Get My Mother In” (May ’16) is most challenging, preaching straightforward to bring unsaved souls to the feet of our Lord. May God bless you for your untiring work for the glory of His kingdom. – India
I thank the Lord for your excellent articles in the Grace & Truth Magazine. Every lesson has touched my heart. They give us power to proceed in Jesus by working and in practice – Myanmar