Your magazine and teachings are so very important to me and several other prisoners with whom I share it. The article “Misplaced Priorities” (June ’16) is fantastic and should be used as a rallying cry for our nation. – USA
I love your thought provoking, spiritually edifying articles. – Taiwan
I so look forward to receiving the Grace & Truth Magazine. I particularly like the sound and easy to read Bible based articles and often find inspiration for my local preaching. – New Zealand
We have been following your Series on “Some Practical Instruction On …”, particularly the articles on anger and envy in the March and April 2016 editions respectively. They gave a good time of retrospection in our walk with God in our Christian life. – Nigeria
While reading an old magazine, the article “Are You A Letter From Christ” (Sep. ‘11) brought my senses back again that the life He has given me is for the world to see Him through me. Thank you for reminding me that I am supposed to be a letter from Jesus Christ. – Nigeria